Against the background of a continuously growing plastic consumption, this project aims to identify current and prospective trends of plastic use in Germany and Europe and develop strategies for the reduction of its environmental burdens. Starting from the concepts of transition research, the project especially focuses on the interrelation between institutional, cultural, legal and economic structures leading to existing production and consumption patterns.
The project starts with describing and analysing the status quo of plastic use in Germany and Europe (WP 1) while relevant drivers are identified and a reference scenario is developed in order to define the effects of the instruments to be developed. Subsequently, options for the reduction of plastic use are analysed (WP2). At the same time, it is investigated which strategic approaches can be pursued in which specific application fields, and which advantages and disadvantages could be linked to them from a comprehensive environmental perspective. Based on this analysis, specific instruments and approaches of action are described which contribute to the realisation of these options. The achievable effects are depicted in a framework of possible alternative scenarios.
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