E&Y Rahmenvertrag

  • Project no.350459
  • Duration 01/2015 - 08/2016

The project aims at evaluating European Research and Innovation Programmes and Policies to inform the European Commission, the European Research Council executive agency and other structures active in the field of research and innovation.
Essential parts of this project are

  • Ex ante impact assessments
  • Ex ante evaluations
  • Interim evaluations
  • Ex post evaluations

of the Framework Programmes, the European Research Area (ERA), the Innovation Union and Horizon 2020.
Ex ante impact assessments and ex ante evaluations will carry out analyses which ensures the successful delivery of policy objectives as well as cost-effectiveness of instruments. Policy problems will be identified, the need for public intervention at EU-level will be assessed and a hierarchy of policy objectives and policy options will be developed.
The framework contract also comprises the evaluation of specific implementation structures active in the field of research and innovation like public-private partnerships such as JTIs (Joint Technology Initiatives) and ERC (European Research Council).
The interim evaluation represents an important source of information for the design purposes for the coming policy programmes.
Ex post evaluation embraces the entire intervention period and focuses on impacts, efficiency  and effectiveness of the intervention.
Qualitative research methods as well as expert workshops and focus groups on evaluation issues, patent analyses as well as techniques for tracking the growth and performance of research collaboration networks are the tools and approaches required in the context of the EC interventions.

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