Brazil's demand for electricity has grown rapidly in recent years. Moreover, a further increase for the coming years of about 3.5% per year is expected. This represents a major challenge for Brazil. In addition, due to low rainfalls, the water-based power generation in the country faces a bottleneck. Therefore, especially since last year fossil thermal reserve power plants are increasingly being used and consequently increase the cost of electricity significantly. Possibly the demand within the summertime peak this year may not be covered.
Furthermore, the expansion of non-conventional renewable energy to diversify the current electricity matrix is running very slowly in Brazil. The wind power has made great progresses since 2009, but their share in the national electricity generation is in spite of great potential even at only 2%. However, in photovoltaic there has been little progress, first noteworthy successes for large systems have been achieved in the last year. The use of biogas and biomass (with the exception of some biomass power plants for bagasse) is still in its early stages. Because of the general shortage situation, however, a strong expansion of renewables can be expected for the next decades. But a plan for the systematic integration of various renewable energy sources is still missing.
The aim of the study is therefore to determine the additional GHG savings through the systematic integration of renewable energy compared to the business as usual scenario (expansion of renewables without systematic integration) and to present the results in a brochure for the general public.
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