Based on a strategic partnership between Germany and Brazil, a cooperation on Sustainable Development (ZNE) pursues the bilateral interest to reach the climate and biodiversity objectives in Brazil. The points of emphasis of the German-Brazilian cooperation include the protection and sustainable use of Brazilian tropical forests and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. According to Brazil’s interests, the cooperation furthermore contributes to a balance of economic and social development vs. environmental protection, technology and innovation.
In energy issues GIZ and KfW co-operate on behalf of BMZ since 2009 with Brazilian partners. The cooperation is based on central hypotheses concerning expected effects in terms of the Brazilian energy matrix, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the provision of adequate framework conditions for renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as the developments of new markets.
The aim is to achieve the highest possible added value in the areas of climate protection and biodiversity by means of resources deployed by the German side. An additional aspect of the cooperation is to promote new markets for international competitive branches of the German and European economy.
To what extent the actions contribute to the expected effects, and how they could be further developed, was examined in the context of this study in collaboration with the Brazilian partner institution of the University of Rio de Janeiro COPPE based on selected projects from various technology areas. This study serves, in addition to a critical review of completed and on-going projects of the ZNE, also as a future strategic orientation of technical and financial cooperation between Germany and Brazil.
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