Upscaling from Effects on the Indonesian Transport Sector achieved by BMZ Project

  • Project no.250534
  • Duration 05/2015 - 10/2015

As is the case in most Asian countries, Indonesia is characterised by a high growth rate in transport demand. Consequently, global and local emissions, as well as noise pollution and traffic congestion are also on the rise. Besides passenger transport in cities, inter-city freight transport is a key driver of transport related emissions.
The project therefore aimed at developing a proposal for upscaling the impacts that have already been achieved in the Sustainable Urban Transport Improvement Project. While the SUTIP had focused on urban transport emissions, the upscaling concept examined the potential for emission reductions in the inter-urban freight transport sector, taking experiences gained in SUTIP into account. The Wuppertal Institute supported the GIZ in developing both a strategy and specific measures to exploit the mitigation potential of freight transport in non-urban areas, in order to complement the results achieved in urban transport. Significant potential for emission reductions lie, inter alia, in the shift of freight transport from roads to short sea shipping and rail.

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