The project "KoSI-Lab" aims at the model development of two laboratories for social innovation in Dortmund and Wuppertal. "Communal laboratories for social innovation" are novel, open institutions to collaboratively work on key problems of communal development. They open up spaces and resources for teams from administration, politics, research and civil society and create an innovative milieu.
Within the project, the Wuppertal Institute will concentrate on giving scientific impulses and accompanying the experimental testing of the "communal laboratory for social innovation Wuppertal". In an intensive dialogue "at eye level" between the Wuppertal Institute and the partners in Wuppertal (City of Wuppertal and the civil society organisation "Zentrum für gute Taten e. V.") the aim is to further develop the existing “"Zentrum für gute Taten e. V." into a KoSI-Lab through conceptual preparation and pilot implementation. "Zentrum für gute Taten e. V." and the municipal "Servicestelle Ehrenamt" are experienced partners in all aspects around volunteer work.
To do so, the steps of mapping, development of concept, testing, dialogue in the city and accompanying reflection will be conducted. The Wuppertal Institute will give impulses for concept development and discuss them with the partners, conducts an accompanying analysis and reflection of the testing phase and supports the dialogue in the city. Herein, the Wuppertal Institute will intensively support the "Zentrum für gute Taten e. V." and the city of Wuppertal. In the course of analysing the testing phase the locally gained experiences will be prepared for transfer in Germany. The Wuppertal Institute will therefore also cooperate with the scientific project partners Sozialforschungsstelle, TU Dortmund and ILS - Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development in Dortmund on theoretical foundations and compiling international experiences, the results of which will be incorporated into the testing phase.
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the funding measure "Kommunen innovativ" under the reference numbers 033L174 and 033L174A-E, respectively.
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