Ecodesign Technical Assistance

EU Framework Contract ENER/C3/2015-619 - Lot 3: Technical Assistance to the Commission in Performing its Tasks on Ecodesign, Energy Labelling, Tyre Labelling and Energy Star

  • Project no.250796
  • Duration 07/2016 - 07/2020

Lot 3 covers the Commission's general technical assistance in the field of product-related energy efficiency policy.
This includes:
(a) tasks arising from the regulatory process relating to the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Directive and its implementing measures, legislation on tyre labelling and the Energy Star programme; and
(b) tasks necessary for the proper implementation of existing measures, including support for standardisation (e.g. in the preparation of mandates, transitional methods, monitoring the development of standards). This involves carrying out economic, social, technical and environmental analyses and drafting technical or policy documents necessary for the purposes of impact assessments, discussions in the Regulatory Committee or evaluations of existing self-regulatory measures.

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