With the 2016 Energy Transition Act (EWG Bln), the state of Berlin has set itself the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050. A high potential for direct and indirect savings of energy and CO2 lies in Berlin's private households, which can contribute to achieving the climate neutrality goal by adapting their daily behaviour and consumption patterns. In this context, energy consulting services play an important role in raising awareness, activating and imparting knowledge about available options for action (e.g. energy efficient heating/ventilation).
The study "Further Development of Energy Consulting in Berlin – Focus on Households with Medium and Higher Income" examines ways to further develop energy consulting in Berlin (according to the German "Weiterentwicklung der Energieberatung in Berlin", WEBB for short). Due to their on average higher CO2 footprint, the focus is on households with medium and high incomes. The study is carried out in three steps:
As a result, the researchers will develop a concept for the further development of energy consulting in Berlin which, in addition to the classic fields of action of energy consulting, covers further areas of consumption (such as mobility) and considers the potential of sufficiency-oriented approaches and digital applications.
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