The project aims at the development of an innovative system for heat and electricity supply based on renewable energies in order to achieve an almost energy autonomous multi-family building with regard to heating and electricity consumption as well as electro-mobility. This shall be achieved by integrating a novel highly efficient biomass micro-CHP technology based on an updraft gasifier, a new gas cleaning system and a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), a state-of-the-art PV system and appropriate innovative energy storage solutions. This system shall be economically highly attractive for future users and it shall also distinguish itself by virtually zero emissions of CO, OGC and dust as well as reduced NOx emissions compared to other biomass CHP technologies. Consequently, the goals of the project are to increase the usage of renewable energies on the multi-family house level as well as to contribute to reaching the EU climate and clean air targets. The methodology applied to reach these goals relies on technology development tasks, a technology assessment part covering risk, techno-economic, environmental and overall impact assessments as well as targeted dissemination activities. The Wuppertal Institute is responsible for the environmental and overall impact assessments as well as the coordination of dissemination activities.
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