Meeting the climate protection targets of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require a fundamental transformation of existing industrial systems. In particular, the basic materials industry has to date been highly dependent on coal, oil and gas as energy inputs and feedstocks. In many areas, the transformation requires fundamental new production processes and utilisation practices. In order to establish these, suitable political framework conditions must be created. In the future, the Wuppertal Institute wants to bundle its research on the resulting questions in a new Research Unit Transformative Industrial Policy. The StraTIP project supports the creation of this research unit. For this purpose, existing scientific literature will be reviewed and a series of workshops will be held to explore, together with thematically related departments and research units as well as with relevant external research partners, where synergies exist, which topics promise fruitful cooperation – but also where there may be a need for demarcation.
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