Der Clean Development Mechanism als Instrument der nachhaltigen Quartiersentwicklung in Entwicklungsländern

Das Kuyasa low-cost urban housing energy upgrade project in Kapstadt/Südafrika

  • Publications 30.09.2016

This bachelor thesis deals with the sustainable development of quarters, a young research field of urban geography, and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The latter is a climate protection instrument of the Kyoto Protocol, which is to promote sustainable development in developing countries. It will be investigated whether the CDM realized sustainable development in the particular circumstances of a quarter (with special developmental needs). The aim is to discuss the definition of a quarter and its sustainable development as well as the the CDM's influence in this area. The discussion of these questions is based on the evaluation of current literature and supplemented by an expert interview. Therefore, a case study, the CDM project Kuyasa low-cost urban housing energy upgrade, is examined with the help of indicators.

The analysis leads to the conclusion that the Kuyasa project has a strong positive impact on the residents' local binding, participation and economic status. It also partially stimulates them in learning social norms. These indicators are an expression of social cohesion, suggesting the formation of social capital - the most important requirement for sustainable development of quarters. Thereby the CDM potentially contributes to sustainable development of quarters within the framework of the case study. The analysis also emphasizes the necessity of further research, inter alia the evaluation and comparison of several CDM project (types), to make a reliable statement on the CDM in general.


Markus Gornik:

Der Clean Development Mechanism als Instrument der nachhaltigen Quartiersentwicklung in Entwicklungsländern

Das Kuyasa low-cost urban housing energy upgrade project in Kapstadt/Südafrika

Wuppertal 2016, ISBN 978-3-929944-01-1

(Wuppertaler Studienarbeiten zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung no. 10)

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