Around the world, collaborative science-society initiatives are forming to conduct experiments in support of sustainability transitions. Such experiments, if carefully designed, provide significant learning opportunities for making progress on transition efforts. However, there is yet a lack of a broadly applicable evaluative scheme to capture critical information and to guide transition experiments. Scientists from a number of renowned institutes, including the Wuppertal Institute, developed a scheme to fill the gap. This paper provides a tentative evaluation scheme that is generic, comprehensive, operational, and formative. It aims at helping to assess, design and compare sustainability transition experiments. The authors invite scholars and practitioners to apply, reflect and further develop the proposed tentative scheme, thus helping to learn from the evaluation of the conducted experiments.
The paper "Learning through evaluation – A tentative evaluative scheme for sustainability transition experiments" was published in the Journal of Cleaner Production already in 2016; the print issue is out now and the paper is available in its final draft. The download is for free until 2 December 2017.
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