Neue Urbane Produktion

Ein Wegweiser für das Bergische Städtedreieck

  • Publications 29.11.2022

Regional products are in trend. Creative manufactories, open workshops and digital production met- hods are helping urban craftsmanship to experience a renaissance. What is actually new about it? And why is there such great potential for sustainable prosperity and for neighborhoods worth living in?

For almost three years, a project team from Utopiastadt, the Wuppertal Institute and the transzent researched, promoted and networked the pioneers of a new productivity in the region. At the end of the funding period, it’s time to take stock. And to look ahead, where the visions of a livable and productive city of tomorrow become tangible on the horizon.

This guide is the essence of three years of research, practice and dialogue. It points a new direction for the region and its shaping actors. Whether business development, city administration, civil socie- ty, the start-up scene, companies or science: we invite you to walk the path together!


Maximilian Schmies, Lea Schöning, Eva Eiling, Annika Greven, Dimitrij Haak, Julius Merkens, Pauline Overath, Constanze Schmidt, Matthias Wanner:

Neue Urbane Produktion
Ein Wegweiser für das Bergische Städtedreieck

Wuppertal 2022, ISBN 978-3-946356-30-1

(Wuppertal Spezial no. 57)

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