In view of the accelerating climate crisis, the European Union has set itself a legally binding target to be climate neutral by 2050 at the latest. Against the backdrop of the still smouldering gas supply crisis, the study "Breaking free from fossil gas: A new path to a climate-neutral Europe" by Agora Energiewende shows that Europe does not need fossil gas as a bridge to climate neutrality. Europe can break free from its agonising gas import dependency faster than assumed in the European Commission's scenarios – and without a systematic reduction in industrial production or disruptive behavioural changes.
According to the authors of the study, the demand for green hydrogen can also be massively reduced through the consistent direct electrification of industrial processes: Compared to the REPowerEU strategy presented by the European Commission in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, only one fifth of the hydrogen would be required. The calculations are based on detailed sectoral modeling of the energy, building and industry sectors. Clemens Schneider and Dr. Georg Holtz, both Senior Researchers in the Sectors and Technologies Research Unit at the Wuppertal Institute, modeled the industry and refinery sectors.
Interested parties can find out which political framework conditions are necessary for this phase-out path and what it means for the individual sectors in the 86-page publication by Agora Energiewende, which is available free of charge via the link below.
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