The CLEVER (a Collaborative Low Energy Vision for the European Region) project is a joint effort by négaWatt, a French non-governmental think tank, and 26 partner organisations from 20 European countries to develop an ambitious decarbonisation path for Europe. The goal is to bring together national energy transition paths into one single European vision. The project consortium is taking a special approach: while most decarbonization concepts assume a given energy demand and reduce CO2 emissions mainly through more efficient technology and renewable energy, the CLEVER scenario focuses on energy sufficiency. As a first measure, project participants determined the extent to which energy demand can be reduced through sufficiency measures – and only then drew on technological improvements for emissions reduction. In the final step, they calculated the remaining energy demand that needs to be covered by renewable energies.
On 5 June, 2023, starting at 3 pm, the researchers will present their final report at the "CLEVER Scenario Launch Event" in Brussels. The goal is to bring the project results into the political debate at EU level with a view to the 2024 European elections. Dr. Benjamin Best, Senior Researcher in the Structural Change and Innovation Research Unit at the Wuppertal Institute, will present the main results of the CLEVER scenario together with five other experts. This will be followed by a political panel, including representatives of the EU Commission and the EU Parliament.
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