Socio-ecological transformations (e.g. the "energy transformation/Energiewende") on the one hand and "sustainability and gender perspectives" on the other hand are discussed broadly, yet largely unconnectedly. However, issues such as equal opportunities, social justice as well as precautionary economic activities ("Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften") have gained significance. But precautionary and feminist perspectives on a sustainable development are still underrepresented in recent debates on transformation and the social contract. The overall objectives of this project are thus to extend the transformative potential of precautionary economic activities and to disseminate it both in science and practice, as well as to increase gender sensitivity in political advisory bodies. Moreover, discourses shall be connected and gender questions integrated. The network also aims at supporting young scientists and innovative research cooperations, as well as strengthen the interlinkage of and dialogue between theory and practice.
To reach these targets, there will first be a preparation phase featuring a professional workshop, an execution phase with moderated exchange of experiences, transdisciplinary dialogues in the form of explorative expert interviews and field-study methods, and finally an evaluation phase presenting documentations and interpretations of the previous works iteratively and thus shaping the project's future methods.
Results are going to be interpreted on three different levels: interlinkage, policies and promotion of junior scientists.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant number 01FP1416 und 01FP1417. The responsibility for all content supplied lies with the authors.
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