The utilization of biomass is increasingly gaining in importance due to receding fossil resources, commitments concerning climate protection, need for security of supply and a necessary diversification in energy supply. One major problem, however, is the integration of biomass into existing energy systems. Thus, the central objective of the joint project "biogas feed-in" is to extend the possibilities for the energetic utilization of biomass by overcoming restraints in the generation, feed-in and distribution of biogas (biomethane) via the gas network.
A central part of the project is the development of a geo-referenced database system for examining the possibilities of combining biogas production and feed-in into the gas network by the example of selected model regions. One aim of this database is the calculation of optimal plant locations and entry points as well as of the entire biogas feed-in potential. Apart from that, socio-economic, economic and ecologic effects are included as well.
Within the framework of the joint project the Wuppertal Institute leads the work packages on the issues of the analysis of dynamic different biomass applications, analysis of the overall energy system and the integration of biogas, optimisation of ecological and energy economical impacts and the competition of different biomass utilisation pathways regarding the maximum contribution to climate protection issues.
Furthermore, the transfer of results from the model regions to a country wide estimation of effects is in the responsibility of the Wuppertal Institute. Apart from the evaluation of ecological and technical possibilities and obstacles, socio-economics, regional- and technology politic issues are being considered, as well.
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