The EU Directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services (2006/32/EC) requires methods to evaluate the energy savings from energy services and other energy efficiency improvement measures that the Member States implement in order to achieve the indicative target of 9 percent energy savings by 2016.
The objective of this project was to assist the Commission in the elaboration of evaluation methods through delivering practical advice, support and results. This included the development of concrete methods for the evaluation of single programmes, services and measures (mostly bottom-up), as well as with schemes for monitoring the overall impact of all measures implemented in a Member State (combination of bottom-up and top-down methods).
The Wuppertal Institute co-ordinated the project in which 21 international institutions were involved.
This support included
The focus was on bottom-up methods, since the ODYSSEE consortium has developed detailed top-down indicators that only needed some further adaptation.
Achieved and expected Results
The direct results are (1) a system of bottom-up, top-down and integrated methods for the evaluation of around 20 types of energy efficiency technologies and/or energy efficiency improvement measures, harmonised between Member States to the extent possible, and able to evaluate at least 90 percent of the energy savings to be achieved; (2) a set of harmonised input data and benchmarks for these evaluation methods; (3) a template and a guide for Member States for the Energy Efficiency Action Plans; and (4) an agreed method for the European Commission to assess the plans.
In the longer run, the project will make an important contribution to a smooth implementation of the Directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services. The European Commission has used the project's results as a basis for developing its own harmonised system for the evaluation of energy savings.
The final report "Measuring and reporting energy savings for the ESD - how it can be done" plus around 40 detailed reports and papers, are available at the project website www.evaluate-energy-savings.eu.
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