Competing Uses of Biomass - Consequences of the Reinforced Use of Biomass for Energy on the Material Use in the Biomass Processing Industry and its Competitiveness through State Induced Support Programmes

  • Project no.2314
  • Duration 05/2007 - 11/2007

This project is about analysis and assessment of the technically usable biomass potentials in Germany. The influence of the support of the biomass use for energy concerning the competition of utilisation among different forms of energy, on the import of biomass, as well as on the development and competitiveness of the classical - biomass using - industries are taken into account.
The relevant competitions of utilisation are investigated between raw materials and the basic materials generated from them for the use as

  • food,
  • primarily energetically used RRM (Renewable Raw Materials),
  • primarily materially used RRM.

The project should indicate in particular:

  • the foci to be expected in the materially biomass processing industries due to the effects caused by competition of utilisation;
  • the measures which potentially lead to a decreasing competition of utilisation;
  • concrete suggestions for the advancement of the politically supportive incentive structure, in particular for the correction of misleading incentives, taking into account economic, ecological and social aspects.

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