Key Points for the Implementation of a State-Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation

  • Project no.251703
  • Duration 03/2019 - 12/2020

North Rhine-Westphalia has had its own climate adaptation strategy since 2009 and has developed possible approaches for action for citizens, municipalities and business. This strategy was underpinned by a broad spectrum of measures aimed at increasing resilience in the social subsystems.

In cooperation with the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection NRW (MULNV), which coordinates the implementation of climate adaptation measures for the state government, the Wuppertal Institute is discussing important cornerstones for the successful implementation of the NRW adaptation strategy within the framework of the project. The project will build on existing approaches and identify additional options for action. In particular, the analysis of the interplay of the different levels (municipality, state, federal government, economy) is of scientific interest.

The results of the project can then provide impulses for the further scientific debate on climate change adaptation and for the further development of the range of services offered by public authorities and administrations.
The project comprises three work packages for this purpose:

  • Work package 1: Support of municipal activities for climate change adaptation
  • Work package 2: Supporting business and entrepreneurial activities to adapt to climate change impacts
  • Work package 3: Strategy development

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