How can Germany be supplied with renewable energies nationwide, and how can a reliable and economic energy supply be ensured? Answers to these questions are sought by the five model regions which are funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy's "Smart Energy Showcase – Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition" (SINTEG) programme.
A project team, which includes researchers of the Wuppertal Institute, is now synthesising the results of SINTEG. The aim of SINTEG-SYN ("Comprehensive synthesis of results for the funding programme 'Smart Energy Showcase – Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition'" (SINTEG), Project 026/19 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) is to document the knowledge gained by the SINTEG model regions, to identify, synthesize and interpret the results and to communicate them to the main stakeholders from the business, public and political sector as well as to the interested public.
The synthesis of results is categorised into five subject areas:
In cooperation with IFOK, the Wuppertal Institute works on the subject area "participation and acceptance". The importance of this topic becomes apparent when reminding oneself that without the inclusion of society, energy transition cannot succeed. For energy transition in Germany to be successful, public acceptance of related technologies, digital systems and business models is crucial. In order to increase acceptance, the added value of energy transition for the public must be clearly and comprehensively demonstrated and communicated. In addition, the participation of the public "at eye level" is a key aspect to foster public acceptance of energy transition.
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