The intention of this project is the sustained and measurable increase of activities at Bergische University in the range of business foundations.
The focus is to encourage technology- and knowledge-based foundations as well as dynamic growth. The project target should be achieved by four main tasks:
- "Entrepreneurial Technology Scouting":
The aim is to identify interesting technology- and knowledge-based options for business foundations (Opportunity Recognition) with respect to renewable energies and sustainable traffic options. This part of the project will be covered by the Wuppertal Institute using its technology forecast and assessment tools. - Technology comprehensive "Entrepreneurial Discovery Approach":
The aim is to improve the general abilities of independent "Entrepreneurial Discovery". For instance, this could be achieved by measurements on a personality level by long-term organisational development. Furthermore, the extended qualification opportunities and promotion offers should be more intensely used to increase foundation chances, primarily by the mid-level faculty supported by the professorate. - Qualification and planning of foundations in the range of "Entrepreneurial Business LAB":
The aim is to expand present cyclical semester offers on foundation qualifications by new special modules, which will be already offered in the planning and SEED-phase. - Sustainable success by "Entrepreneurial Business Incubation":
The target of this project module is an improvement of "Opportunity Exploitation" by monitoring the phase after the SEED-phase with the focus on a rapid market launch and market establishment as well as on a rapid stable growth and an international orientation.
As co-operation partner of the leading institution for research in entrepreneurship and innovation (IGIF), the Wuppertal Institute will set up the following mile-stones:
- Analysis of leading markets with regard to sustainable energy- and mobility structures.
- Identification of overlapping research potentials of universities (core markets, component markets and periphery).
- Elaboration of "Entrepreneurial Opportunities" on the basis of the aforementioned analyses.
- Compilation of information about "sustainable energy- and transport systems" to stimulate the interest and activity with this issue.
- To endorse the placement of an "Entrepreneurial Mind Set" within chairs in technical natural sciences and institutes with the aim to improve sustainable motivation and ability to "Opportunity Recognition" (within the EOE - Entrepreneurial Organisation-development).
Bizeps-Gazelles is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI) within the "Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft" (EXIST) programme (business foundations from academia). With the help of this programme, universities, research facilities, students and scientists should be introduced to the issue of business foundations.