The textile industry is, globally seen, one of biggest and fastest growing industries, which almost tripled in size since 1975. Within the past five years, its production volume increased by 2.2 per cent on average each year. Due to its highly resource intensive production and its high volume of waste generation, the textile industry is held responsible for environmental destruction in various aspects. Its transformation towards a circularity encloses the reduction of textiles put on the market as well as a reduction of their environmental impacts.
After the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh in 2013, the German ’Partnership for Sustainable Textiles’ initiative had been launched aiming to improve the social as well as ecological conditions along the textile supply chain. The goals of the alliance are based on international standards such as the UN principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The objective of this project is to support the project group circular economy within the ‘Partnership for Sustainable Textiles’ with regard to its strategic and organisational development, the design of pilot projects, industry dialogues, and panelist discussions. Another main component is the political and functional consultancy among the five core subjects
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