
Just Transition Toolbox for Coal Regions

  • Project no.152502
  • Duration 04/2021 - 12/2021

As the worldwide remaining carbon budget decreases rapidly, countries across the globe are searching for solutions to limit greenhouse gas emissions. As the production and use of coal is among the most carbon-intensive processes, it is foreseeable that coal regions will be particularly affected by the consequences of a transformation towards a climate-neutral economy and energy system.
Challenges arise in the area of energy production, environmental protection, but also for economic and social aspects in the transforming regions – often coined with the term 'Just Transition’' For the decision makers in coal regions, there is an urgent need for support tools that help to kick off measures to diversify the local economies while at the same time supporting the local workers and communities.

The Wuppertal Institute aims to support coal regions worldwide by developing a Just Transition Toolbox, which illustrates the challenges and opportunities of a sustainable transition for a global audience. It comprises information about strategy development, sets recommendations for governance structures, fostering sustainable employment, highlights technology options and sheds light on the environmental rehabilitation and repurposing of coal-related sites and infrastructure. The toolbox builds on the work of the Wuppertal Institute for the EU Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition and takes into account country-specific findings from the SPIPA-partner countries India, Indonesia, South Africa, Japan, South Korea, Canada and the USA. The acronym SPIPA is short for 'Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement' an EU-BMU programme co-financed by the GIZ.

In addition to the development of the toolbox, the project includes further a series of online events to raise awareness and strengthen the knowledge of national and regional actors regarding the challenges and opportunities of a just transition worldwide and in the selected partner countries.

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