The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) currently maintains bilateral energy partnerships and dialogues with more than 20 partner countries worldwide, which represent an important instrument of foreign energy policy. Trust-based international energy policy cooperation at government level is intended to make a decisive contribution to the success of the global energy transition. Japan and South Korea are important partners for Germany in this regard.
Within the EnerKoop-JK project, the scientists advise and support the BMWi in implementing the energy partnerships. It would like to further intensify these partnerships with the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) in the future - also involving the private sector, civil society and academia. Energy policy events, expert workshops as well as study tours and high-level delegation trips enable a regular exchange between governments and other relevant stakeholders on key issues and solutions for a successful energy transition. Scientific assessments in the form of short reports, background studies and analyses also support the energy partnership in terms of content.
adelphi is entrusted with the project management and provides the energy cooperation team based in Berlin. The German Chambers of Foreign Trade (AHK Japan and AHK Korea) are represented as project partners, each with a secretariat on site. The Wuppertal Institute, the East Asian Association and the Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy at the University of Stuttgart are further cooperation partners who support the energy partnerships with project-related expertise and country knowledge.
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