Due to energy- and emission-intensive manufacturing processes, the steel sector is currently responsible for eight per cent of the global CO2 emissions. While several technologies for low-carbon steel production have already reached deployment stage, they have not yet been introduced in practice. Regarding the large number of coal-based blast furnaces that will reach the end of their working life before 2030, a policy framework is needed to enable the swift introduction of new, low-carbon technologies. A single-speed transformation across all regions taking country specificities into consideration is essential.
The aim of the "Global Steel Transformation" project is to enhance the understanding of the steel sectors global and country-specific potential and challenges, as well as the key abatement levers on the sector's net-zero path. Case studies and net-zero pathways for 15 countries and regions (China, India, United States, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Iran, Russia, South Africa, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, Turkey, European Union), including the top 10 steel producing countries, will be developed within the framework of the project. A focus is set on net-zero technologies, net-negative technologies and demand side reduction.
High-level policy recommendations will sum up and reflect on the results of the project work. They will provide a basis for further discussion of a future-proof steel sector.
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