According to data from a database on non-residential buildings and the German energy agency dena, about two million non-residential buildings that are heated and/or air conditioned exist in Germany. Examples for non-residential buildings are industrial buildings, commercial buildings and schools and kindergartens. Non-residential buildings are responsible for about one third of the building sector’s energy consumption. Therefore, refurbishing existing non-residential buildings and constructing very energy efficient new non-residential buildings is an important step to achieve the climate protection goals in the buildings sector. Until June 2021, the German federal government supported these actions with the subsidy programme "Energetisch Bauen und Sanieren Nichtwohngebäude", which offered soft loans and repayment grants. The programme was administered by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). Together with Arepo, the Wuppertal Institute evaluates the programme's impacts in the years 2019 to 2021.
The Wuppertal Institute's researchers have the task to analyse the subsidy statistics collected by KfW. It comprises data on the supported projects. Among other things, this data allows the researchers to answer the question whether the programme attained its targets for energy savings, CO2 emission abatement and the preservation and creation of jobs. Another task for the Wuppertal Institute's researchers is to audit the cost-effectiveness of the programme from the federal government’s perspective, i.e., the ratio of resources spent and impacts. In addition, the perspective of the supported companies and municipalities will be taken by estimating the energy cost savings made possible by the subsidised projects.
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