The Wuppertal Institute has developed City4Future on behalf of and in cooperation with the Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e. V. (Knowledge Factory – Companies for Germany). City4Future is an offer for teachers in which basic knowledge about energy topics, climate change and /climate protection is taught in a child-friendly way. On the one hand, the pupils should be encouraged to understand and evaluate the technical, socio-economic and ecological background. On the other hand, through increased environmental awareness, they should be enabled to identify their own possibilities for action and to implement climate protection measures in everyday family life. In this way, City4Future creates an offer for schools that stands out from classical teaching and is strongly action-oriented.
In concrete terms, the pupils develop ideas for their fictitious city, which should be climate-neutral in ten years. The different parts of the city or teaching modules face different challenges of climate change and deal, for example, with wind energy, energy storage or energy consumption in buildings. The implementation of the teaching modules can take place flexibly in the secondary level between two lessons and a project week. Partner companies can be involved in the implementation in different ways.
The Wuppertal Institute trains teachers to use City4Future in their lessons, as well as multipliers who are thus enabled to train teachers as well.
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