As part of the CBE4I project, the researchers are developing a novel, fuel-flexible biomass gasification technology for a highly efficient, virtually emission- and waste-free heat supply process for use in industrial environments. To this end, they are utilising unused biomass residues that are available in large quantities in the EU.
On the one hand, CBE4I technology offers the possibility of providing heat for indirectly heated industrial processes at different temperature levels. For this purpose, a virtually emission-free gas burner with an integrated three-way catalytic converter can be flexibly coupled with various types of boilers (hot water, thermal oil, steam). Alternatively, process heat and a clean product gas can be utilised for the direct heating of processes using gas burners supplied by a product gas extraction with integrated thermal and catalytic tar reforming.
An innovative flue gas condensation concept with a directly coupled heat pump helps to increase the efficiency to up to 120 per cent – in relation to the net calorific value of the fuel. A newly developed condensate treatment system will enable the condensate to be discharged directly into the sewage system. In the area of ash utilisation, the project participants are developing a new concept for the use of biomass ash in fertiliser production. In addition, the CBE4I project includes the necessary technologies for fuel pre-treatment and space-saving on-site fuel logistics suitable for industrial sites, which includes an online fuel quality assessment based on a new intelligent crane system.
On the one hand, the researchers are relying on technology development tasks that include process simulations, a computational fluid dynamics-based design of the individual units as well as the construction of test facilities and the implementation and evaluation of test runs. On the other hand, a technology assessment part includes risk assessments, life cycle assessments, techno-economic, ecological and general impact assessments as well as targeted communication activities. In a market study, the project participants will analyse and define the framework conditions and application potential of CBE4I technology in various branches of industry.
The researchers of the Wuppertal Institute are responsible for the environmental and overall impact assessments as well as for the coordination of publication and communication activities.
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