The aim of the project is to develop a modular and needs-oriented catalogue of measures with recommendations for further development and optimisation of railway stations as the core of multimodal and sustainable mobility platforms in municipalities. The result of the project is a catalogue of measures that provides German municipalities with a concrete and needs-oriented basis and recommendations for the evaluation and optimisation of railway stations and station projects.
To this end, the researchers combine various empirical and analytical methods in order to identify the needs and requirements for multimodal interfaces, to develop measures in a systematic manner and to assess their effects. In a first step, the researchers determine the interests, needs, requirements and wishes of the users and other stakeholders of railway stations in a needs analysis and relate these to a station typology that is also to be developed. Based on these results, measures are designed for the further development of the station of the future as the core of a multimodal mobility platform. The researchers then evaluate the developed measures ex-ante with regard to their feasibility for different station types and estimate their impact in various dimensions. To evaluate the measures from the user's point of view, they are implemented in digital prototypes and their effects are investigated experimentally.
The project is being carried out jointly by the Institute for Social-Ecological Research (Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, ISOE) GmbH (project management), Nuts One GmbH, the Design Institute for Mobility and Logistics (Designinstitut für Mobilität und Logistik) at the Offenbach University of Applied Sciences, Gateways B.V., Aproxima Gesellschaft für Markt- und Sozialforschung mbH and the Wuppertal Institute. The Wuppertal Institute is particularly responsible for the feasibility and impact analysis.
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