In close cooperation with three Austrian companies, the BRIX project develops an index based on resource use indicators, the Business Resource Intensity Index (BRIX). The BRIX index will allow these companies to measure and optimise resource use and resource efficiency of their products and services. The BRIX bases on the tow resource indicators Ecological Rucksack (MIPS = Material Input per Service Unit) and Ecological Footprint respectively Carbon Footprint. This project aims to contribute to a broader application of concepts and indicators of resource use in companies by developing guidelines for the methodological harmonisation and standardisation of different indicator approaches, by developing a new index (the Business Resource Intensity Index - BRIX) and by establishing a new software-based tool, which allows companies to realise improvements in resource efficiency in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Beside the elaboration of concepts for the BRIX, the Wuppertal Institute focuses on practice oriented integration and adaptation in the context of three business case studies.
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