For the "Climate Action Programme 2020" for the city of Dortmund (Gertec Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, in cooperation with Planersocietät und Wuppertal Institute) the Wuppertal Institute compiled an energy and CO2 balance for the year 2008. On this basis almost 200 measures were developed and identified for the programme in the fields of "municipal buildings and urban development", "energy efficiency in existing buildings", "renewable energies and energy supply", "cross-sectional measures" and "transport". According to the scenarios developed by the Wuppertal Institute it is possible to reduce 42 percent of CO2 emissions until 2020 (against 1990) by implementing this ambitious programme as well as to make an important further step towards the emission reduction targets (about 80 to 95 percent until 2050). The implementation of the "service centre for energy efficiency" and the development of renewable energies in the city were identified as main success factors. In the framework of the "Climate Action Programme" both issues were examined by external consultancies and included in the development of the measures.
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