With climate protection things are much alike a diet: The first few pounds are easily lost, before it gets difficult. Every citizen in Germany currently emits ten tons of carbon dioxide per year in average. We still are far away from the goal of "1,5 tons per citizen per year" and yet it is becoming more difficult already. Managers and engineers have mostly lifted the low hanging potentials in efficiency. For a few years already, the CO2-niveau is stagnating. Whereas the total use of resources could, despite all efforts, not be lowered at all. It is becoming more and more clear that a responsible handling of planetary resources will not work through technical innovations alone. A socio-cultural change is required likewise. To create the political framework therefore, defines the focus of the book project "Ökoroutine. Damit wir tun, was wir für richtig halten." (Ecoroutine. That we do, what we think is right.)
In many areas, ecoroutine goes without saying: Separation of waste, energy-saving lamps, efficient refrigerators, washing machines and vacuum cleaners. All of those have become normal. Everyday routines shape our daily life and we unknowingly profit from numerous rules and standards: Printing paper, plugs and drinking water. The German Purity Law for beer has been given recognition worldwide.
Ecoroutine picks up this logic, creates structures offering opportunities and self-employs the change towards sustainability. Concrete and simple political tools are the pivot of ecoroutine.
It is all about schedules in form of limits and standards, such as for the weight and the carbon emissions of vehicles. It is about speed, parking, road construction, airports, pesticides, fertilizers, livestock, coal power, packaging, warranty periods, durability, reparability, financial transactions, and much more.
"Ökoroutine" gives innovative proposals for action. They are concrete, practical and most are amazingly simple. Many tools are aimed at providers of products and services, others at consumers. They institutionally anchor the responsible use of resources. They make eco possible for everyone.
The book project is being financially supported be the Foundation forum for responsibility (Klaus Wiegandt) and the Association of friends of the Wuppertal Institute e.V.
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