Operational mobility management organises a company's transports efficiently and sustainably. This includes the areas of employee mobility, business travel and the vehicle fleet. Many can benefit from a good operational mobility management: economic, social and ecological advantages exist for the company and its employees as well as for cities and neighbourhoods, the environment and society. Companies can save money and contribute to the satisfaction of their employees. They also help to reduce motorised individual traffic and CO2 emissions and increasing resource efficiency.
The project aims at supporting companies in the region in developing a sustainable and effective mobility management. Various players and stakeholders from these cities are involved - companies, retail and housing sectors, universities and public institutions. It is not just about improving the mobility situation in the individual company, but also about the external conditions that are conducive to it. Together the participants will develop mobility concepts for the region as a pioneer for operational mobility management and thereby sustainably strengthen the region.
An innovative aspect of the project is its district-related approach. To this end, six district types are selected in the three cities Wuppertal, Solingen and Remscheid. Operational mobility management will be introduced and tested in these districts in order to obtain generalised findings for similar structures throughout Germany. Companies in these districts are particularly benefiting from the synergies in sustainable organisation of the business mobility, created by contacts and cooperations with other companies and local actors.
The processes and the impacts of operational mobility management are evaluated as part of a comprehensive accompanying research carried out by the Wuppertal Institute. Based on this, the project will develop district- and actor-specific recommendations, which allow for a nationwide transfer of the innovative approach and thus promote an upscaling of operational mobility management.
The Wuppertal Institute coordinates this project, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westfalia.
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