Since April 2016 the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC) exists. It is an energy transition cooperation project and consists of 20 high-ranking energy experts from Germany and Japan. In the project's first 2-year-phase the experts discuss how to foster the energy transition in Germany and Japan.
A scientific study programme dealing with various issues of energy transition builds the basis of discussion between the energy experts. Four extensive studies have already been written and published. In this project, an overview and prioritisation of relevant technologies of the German energy transition have been presented in a consolidated form. Many of the relevant technologies have already been developed. However, in various sectors like system integration or sector coupling innovation needs remain, as well as further possibilities and potentials for cost degression and technology optimisation. This analysis can be based on available extensive research: Within a project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, coordinated by Wuppertal Institute ("Technologies for the Energy Transition"), papers and technology profiles for 30 technology fields with relevance for the energy transition have been prepared. The technology fields renewable energy, conventional power plants, infrastructure, sector coupling, energy and resource efficiency of buildings, energy and resource efficiency in industry, e-mobility, digitalisation and information and communication technologies have been classified systematically and a comprehensive comparative multi-criteria analysis has been performed.
The technology profiles have been edited for the GJETC context in this project and an English version has been supplied for the discussion in the Council.
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