Advisory Process/Editing of the Indicators Based Part II of the "Review to the State of the Environment in the Metropolis Ruhr 2020"

  • Project no.651645
  • Duration 10/2018 - 03/2020

After the "First Report on the State of the Environment in the Ruhr Metropolitan Region" has been published in 2017, the steering committee of the heads of the environmental departments of the eleven cities and four districts of the Ruhr Region and the Regional Association Ruhr (RVR) plan an update for 2020.

On behalf of the Regional Association Ruhr (RVR), the Wuppertal Institute in cooperation with the planning office Richter-Richard develops one part of the environmental report, in which the current situation and the development of the environment in the Ruhr Region is analysed based on 20 environmental indicators (e.g. climate, energy, transport, air quality, noise, land usage, organic farming, biodiversity, water quality, environmental economy, waste). The noise indicators are analysed by the planning office Richter-Richard.

The indicators are selected in such a way that the best possible compatibility with existing objectives and indicators at EU, federal and state level is ensured. The indicators are analysed and presented by texts, diagrams, maps, and pictogrammes.

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