Under the framework of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol the targets and strategies for the second and third commitment period (post-Kyoto) have to be discussed and set in the near future. The EU has committed itself to limiting global warming to 2 °C above pre-industrial level. This target requires that global GHG emissions have to be cut by half until 2050. This consequently means that industrial economies have to reduce their GHG emissions by around 60-80 %. To achieve this challenging goal, rapid action has to be taken. The second and third commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol with a time horizon of 2018 to 2022 or its successor will have to impose substantial reduction targets to its signatory states. And the debate on these targets has already started.
With this background WWF commissioned the Wuppertal Institute to conduct an integrated scenario analysis of GHG-emission reduction potentials of the EU 25 until 2020 and describe an ambitious GHG-mitigation strategy that shows how the EU 25 can achieve a reduction of its GHG emissions by 30 % or more until 2020, compared to 1990 levels.
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