Environmental Economics

Institutions, Competition, Rationality - INFER annual conference 2004, Wuppertal

  • Publikationen 01.06.2006

The book contains the proceedings of INFER annual conference 2004, organized at the Wuppertal Institute in Germany. Within the area of environmental economics, methodological issues now seem at stake. This is because recent methods and fields of economics, like institutional economics, competition (industrial) economics, and cognitive economics, should be applied and become more established within environmental economics. The different papers address this challenge via different case studies in areas such as agriculture, biodiversity, eco-taxes, subsidies, wind energy, environmental corruption, governance, contracts, international trade, human behavior, and many others.



Raimund Bleischwitz, Oliver Budzinski (Hrsg.):

Environmental Economics - Institutions, Competition, Rationality

INFER annual conference 2004, Wuppertal

VWF Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Berlin, 2006

318 S.

ISBN 3-89700-182-9

(INFER Research Edition vol. 10)


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