The aim of the project PigNPlay is to provide farmers in training and practice as well as other target groups with an instrument that provides a deeper awareness and understanding of the complex of topics "nitrogen emissions in pig farming" and "adaptation to climate change". Thereby, various competencies are promoted by providing the target group with courses of action. The project is based on the modelling of production processes in agricultural livestock farming, which are specific to the agriculturally intensive region in the northwest of Lower Saxony. For this purpose, the scientists within the project systemically model the nitrogen cycle (N) in pig farming (Pig) and embed it in a serious game environment (Play) using a model-based artificial intelligence (AI). Thus, a serious game is developed, which educates and imparts information in an entertaining way. The game offers farmers the opportunity to simulate virtual scenarios and to test suitable alternatives for their real-life farms. The prototype application of the game is developed based on the Living Lab approach in co-creation with farmers. This active involvement of the target group by means of a usage-based development process increases the acceptance and user-friendliness of the product. In this way, the environmental and climate consequences arising from the use of nitrogen in pig farming are made tangible and can be experienced in an innovative way. Thereby, a tool is created that supports sustainability-oriented management and planning, and the prevention of nitrogen emissions in pig fattening.
The project is interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. Competencies from animal husbandry (University of Göttingen), education for sustainable development (University of Vechta) as well as information processing and artificial intelligence (DFKI), and innovation development in the Living Lab (Wuppertal Institute) are united in the project.
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