Re-Use Berlin 2021/2022

Implementation of Re-Use Measures 2021-2022

  • Project no.352504
  • Duration 04/2021 - 04/2022

Through the increased reuse of used products, waste can be avoided, resources can be saved and the climate and the environment are protected through lower environmental impacts. This approach is essential for the concept of a modern circular economy and is assigned in the city of Berlin to the strategy "Zero Waste" of the last coalition agreement (2016 to 2021) as well as to the "Re-Use Berlin" initiative of the Berlin Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection. Reuse is a central component of waste prevention and as such it affects various industries such as retail, the construction and textile industry, social department a reuse stores, but also the numerous committed and initiatives stemming from the Berlin re-use, upcycling and zero waste scene.

The aim of the project is to continue the development of the urban structures for demand and supply in the area of reuse by the help of targeted pilot actions in order to network relevant actors and to further sensitize citizens for used goods. To this end, the opportunities to acquire and exchange second-hand goods are to be expanded, and promotions, events and competitions on the subject of reuse are to be carried out.

The planned measures build on the conducted actions of the predecessor projects Re-Use Berlin 2018, 2019 and 2020. The following work packages (WP) are planned within the new project:  

  • WP1: Continuation of networking and topic-specific exchange with selected actors from the Berlin re-use scene
  • WP2: Support in the implementation of three award-winning competition ideas from 2020 on the topic of circular textiles
  • WP3: Testing a tool for measuring CO2 savings potential in re-use shopping
  • WP4: Market analysis of exchange places for construction components as well as creation of a business plan as the basis for a Berlin-based hardware store for used construction goods
  • WP5: Conception and implementation of three workshops with actors from the Berlin re-use scene
  • WP6: Conception and implementation of a fourth re-use ideas competition to collect innovative ideas from citizens of Berlin
  • WP7: Further development of the re-use store opened in 2020
  • WP8: Implementation of a shop-in-shop system for the joint sale of new and used goods  

The the overall project is led by Wuppertal Institute in cooperation with u.e.c. Berlin Umwelt- und Energie-Consult, Ecologic Institut, IZT – Institute for Futures and Technology Assessment, pulswerk und Unnerstall Holzmarketing.

Re-Use Berlin

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