Market preparation of hydrogen as an alternative fuel in the transport sector is a main issue of the national programme for innovations in hydrogen and fuel cell technology (abbreviated NIP), which has been initiated recently by the German federal government. Based on existing findings and studies, "GermanHy", the national follow-up project of the EU-funded hydrogen strategy project "HyWays", shows up how the market introduction of hydrogen can be realised in Germany and how a comprehensive supply and delivery infrastructure may be built up in the long-term.
Three different scenarios will be utilised to answer the key question "Where does the hydrogen come from?". These scenarios analyse supply potentials, technical options and possible profitability until the year 2050.
In this context, the Wuppertal Institute analyses the general conditions in view of a market introduction of hydrogen technology, which are also subject to the future development of competing energy carriers as well as of the energy mix in general. The institute and its project partners will concentrate on the following aspects:
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