This manual provides conceptual background information and practical guidance on transport NAMAs. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are activities of developing countries under the climate regime of the UNFCCC to mitigate climate change. The manuals objective is to facilitate the preparation and implementation of NAMAs in the transport sector to increase the sector's contribution to mitigate climate change. It is structured into four main sections, namely (1) Designing mitigation measures, (2) Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV), (3) Financing and (4) Registration.
Generally speaking, any strategy, policy, programme or project that reduces greenhouse gas emissions could become a NAMA. In the transport sector, this can include a range of actions at all levels of government or in the private sector including, for example, investments in freight and public transport infrastructure at a local level or the introduction of fuel or vehicle taxation at a national level.
MRV relates to the UNFCCC requirement to conduct impact assessments of NAMAs. Impacts to track are the reduction of greenhouse gases, but may also be other socio-economic costs and benefits. Reporting on progress and impact is particularly relevant for NAMAs that seek international financial support, as donors are concerned with the effectiveness of their investments. In the transport sector, many NAMAs may also be self-financing. Thus, registration on NAMAs under the UNFCCC may facilitate international support or increase the recognition of national climate change mitigation efforts.
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