On behalf of the Umweltbundesamt, the Wuppertal Institute together with its project partners Ecofys and ifeu will develop options for advancing energy efficiency policies on member state level as well as on the EU-level within the context of the European climate protection targets for 2050.
In this context the project, first, systematically identifies good-practice examples for policies and measures that facilitate energy efficiency in member states.
Second, the project develops comprehensive country studies for the three sectors industry, households and transport. Case studies with a high degree of transferability to other countries will be selected.
Third, sector-specific energy efficiency strategies for the period between 2020 and 2050 will be established. Last but not least, new and advanced policy instruments facilitating energy efficiency in the respective sectors are merged into an overall strategy.
The project focuses on the period between 2020 and 2050 and geographically deals with the EU-28 scrutinising both, member states' and EU's policy frameworks contributing to the climate protection targets of the European Union.
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