In order to tackle the major future energy challenges of Thailand - energy supply security, continuously increasing energy costs, dependency on energy imports as well as increasing pollution and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions - the Thai government formulated in 2011 a 20-year Energy Efficiency Development Plan (EEDP). The overall aim of the EEDP is to reduce energy intensity in 2030 by 25 % compared to 2005, which is equivalent to a reduction of final energy consumption by 20 % or about 30,000 tons of crude oil equivalent (ktoe) in 2030. This target corresponds to energy savings of around 14,500 ktoe/year and CO2 reductions of 49 million tons/year. In order to achieve these targets, several mandatory (regulation, rules) and supportive/promotional policy measures are formulated in the EEDP, which will be introduced in the coming years.
The International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Environment Ministry will contribute to the implementation of the plan and will support the actions and implementation of the Royal Thai Government. The GIZ had been engaged to follow up the implementation by strengthening existing policy instruments and developing additional ones. The objective is to promote the improvement of energy efficiency in the industry and building sector amongst others through Standard Offer Programmes (SOP), Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS) and enhanced energy management systems. The policy measures will be developed under consideration of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). The monitoring system will be developed as a contribution to Thailand's Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system. It is expected that the incentive schemes and standards will create additional jobs, enhance the competitiveness of industry and SMEs and decrease the energy costs of the households.
The Wuppertal Institute was engaged to give scientific advice. It will mainly work on international experiences of energy efficiency and climate policy instruments, good-practice examples and background evaluations. A close cooperation with GIZ and Thai institutions and stakeholders will be pursued so that international and national experiences optimally contribute to the implementation of the EEDP. In project phase 2, the Wuppertal Institute is specifically involved in the following tasks:
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