Recent studies show that a more energy efficient user behaviour in an office environment could lower the total energy expenditure of public buildings by up to 40 per cent, thus saving a large amount of both costs and energy.
The project proposal EE-Office will be implemented in the land court (LuAG) in Bonn, Germany, as a pilot project. The authority is based in a property belonging to the Building and Real Estate Department NRW (BLB NRW). The setting shows enormous potential for energy savings since its energy consumption is considerably above average. During the project, straightforward and easy solutions will be designed. They aim at helping the employees to save energy and to increase the energy efficiency of their own offices as well as of the complete LuAG.
In fact, the project targets the improvement of energy efficiency in office buildings by performing a pilot run of user-centred energy efficiency solutions. Therefore, a user-integrated approach is applied involving stakeholders located in the LuAG and around. On a superordinate level, the project should contribute to regional politics of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), particularly by expanding the infrastructure of LivingLabs, science and development of the state by:
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