Critics of the support of renewable energies and specifically of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG) argue that the costs associated with the expanded use of renewable energies are too high. Some advocate a significant reduction or even a complete stop of their financial support. This brief analysis gives an overview of the costs and benefits of the EEG, the German instrument for promoting electricity from renewable sources. One of the study's chapters focuses on the additional costs accruing to German electricity consumers through the EEG apportionment. It looks at how and why these additional costs have risen over the past years and how they might evolve until 2030. Furthermore, the study critically examines some of the most often heard general arguments against the EEG. Finally it is examined if calculations regarding the total costs of German support for photovoltaics through the EEG are correct and how such calculations should be interpreted.
Some of the main conclusions of the brief analysis are as follows:
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