The scientific goal of POLFREE is the comprehensive development and ex ante evaluation of policy strategies aiming at increased resource efficiency in the European Union. Based on a systematic analysis of present obstacles against the efficient use of resources in specific countries and sectors (WP 1), the Wuppertal Institute is commissioned with the development of future policy strategies and visions that foster a radical increase of resource efficiency (WP 2, management). Guiding research questions are:
These strategic policy options are analysed and finally transferred into a model using a combination of ecologic and socio-economic modelling for an integrated analysis of core indicators like employment effects and economic growth on the one hand and physical effects like global material requirements, land- and water usage and greenhouse gases on the other hand. As part of a transformative research the project will finally conduct a series of communication and dialogue processes in order to integrate learning processes of the European Commission, member states and stakeholders.
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