In this project, named "KomRev", efficient energy utilisation and supply systems for the municipal level are developed using the example of the city Rheine. Two technically and economically feasible concepts for the year 2050 (target visions) are elaborated which describe an exergetical efficiently networked energy supply. These enable to examine a possibly solid range of target states. This will be done regarding the current sectoral limits (in this case electricity, heat, gas, and transport) and particularly across these limits in order to determine and evaluate useful options of networking. Based on this, appropriate paths of transformation to reach this target visions are determined. An exergetical evaluation of the possible options ensures a high use of regionally available energy resources.
The Solar-Institut Jülich at the FH Aachen (SIJ) holds the scientific management. The research consortium consists of the SIJ, the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, the German Aerospace Center, and the Klimaschutzstelle Rheine. Within the KomRev project, the Wuppertal Institute is responsible for the subject fields energy demand concepts and traffic as well as the detailed modelling of a selected system extract.
The project implementation is supported by the Project Management Jülich. The Project is subsidised as part of the German Climate Initiative by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
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