Alternative power initiatives are socio-ecological innovations that substantially contribute to city’s sustainable development and, therefore, are of particular societal benefit and value. Cities should, consequently, have an inherent interest in their existence and proliferation. This, however, asks for strategic innovation management. While, acknowledgement of the project's innovativeness constitutes the precondition for management, in the further process of steering activity the tasks to reduce hurdles, create open space and support the project's capacities need to be mastered. Thereby, cities are increasingly asked to become innovative themselves in order to find ways to optimally make use of their available tools and capacities.
Andrea Wiesholzer:
Socio-Ecological Innovations in the Context of the German "Energiewende"
An Analysis of Benefits and Necessities in the Urban Arena
Wuppertal 2018, ISBN 978-3-946356-08-0
(Wuppertaler Studienarbeiten zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung no. 15)
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