The aim of the thesis was to analyze the role of energy cooperatives for the decentralized energy supply under the influence of current developments in the energy transition. With the elimination of favorable subsidy conditions, energy cooperatives are forced to realign their previously successful business models. In this context, the question was raised as to which new business and cooperation models of energy cooperatives are being considered. Furthermore, it was examined to what extent the cooperation with municipal energy supplier holds potential for energy cooperatives. The analysis was carried out by an empirical investigation, which is based on both a quantitative online survey and partially standardized expert interviews.
The energy cooperatives examined showed themselves in a changing position triggered by a new regulatory framework. New business and cooperation models in the area of producer-consumer offers and energy services are increasingly coming to the fore. However, for the further success of this development, it is all the more important to find context-specific opportunities and solutions that can be integrated into the limited possibilities of honorary post. Municipal energy supplier proved to be an enriching cooperation partner, which can open up many opportunities for energy cooperatives. The cooperation models analyzed in the context of this work bear witness to a wide range of mutually beneficial models. Energy cooperatives thus influence the municipal utilities, which opens different ways of participating in the decentralized energy transition.
Simon Henkel:
Die Energiewende auf dezentraler und bürgerschaftlicher Ebene
Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten von Energiegenossenschaften in NRW
Wuppertal 2018, ISBN 978-3-946356-09-7
(Wuppertaler Studienarbeiten zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung no. 16)
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